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Special plaster for the realization of positives on impression.

The finely micronized powder allows the perfect transfer of details, facilitates smoothness during the pouring phase avoiding the formation of air bubbles. The extraordinary compactness and surface hardness of Podostone plaster guarantee resistant margins even in the presence of thin thicknesses. This avoids the risk of breakage or chipping during the extraction phase from the impression or any finishing and cutting.
The quick setting of Podostone allows to reduce the waiting time, allowing the operator to proceed quickly to the subsequent processing phases.

• Color: light yellow
• Water/powder ratio: 43 ml/100 g
• Imbibition time: 20”
• Manual mixing time: 60”
• Pouring time: 3′
• Setting time: 7′


PDT210 – 1 x 1 kg bag


PDI001 – Podologic Impression kit

20 x 27 g (Podoalgin)
2 x 500 ml (Podoshape base + activator)
1 x 1 kg (Podostone)
2 measuring spoons
1 mixing bowl
1 mixing spatula

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